Monday, May 10, 2010

International travel and people culture

Somethings never seem to change. I traveled to US last month and noticed the same odd things that give a bad impression to the country and its people culture. See a sample of what we are good at -
  1. Rushing to get into line the moment boarding announcement is made irrespective of the fact whether our seat number is called for or not.
  2. Using the maximum capacity of our hand bag to our advantage and get in whatever we can in that bag.
  3. Occupying not only our luggage compartment but also making sure that our neighbor's is occupied too.
  4. Once on board, ordering for whiskey, scotch or beer whatever the airline has to offer for free and then drinking it to the maximum.
  5. Belief in the fact that announcement for cell-phones turn off when the plane takes off or lands is something that is to be ignored.
  6. Cribbing about anything and everything - so, no matter if we had to stand for half hour at New York for security checkup, we would crib about standing for the same time for immigration here.
  7. Getting in some reference of higher up to allow for expedited immigration, quick baggage clearance, bringing in items with value higher than allowed by customs, so-on and so forth.
Guess, there are many more items to the list which can be added. The idea for me is not to criticize something but to open up a channel for introspection !

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