Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am with Adobe on Flash vs Apple case

Ever since Apple didn't come out with Flash support on 'i' products namely iPhone, iPad etc., Adobe has been fighting its case vigorously for its presence on these gadgets. Recently, Adobe has launched 'I love Apple' campaign as well highlighting its arguments. The reason for all this comes from losing market share in the mobile space for Adobe. Apple too has posted its arguments here -> Thoughts on Flash.

Broadly, the arguments are on these lines-
1. Closed vs open standards
2. Support for touch screens
3. Security vulnerabilities
4. Flash vs H.264
5. Performance

Well, I am not a techie (as in one who has worked on Flash or iPhone development) to understand lots of these stuff but from an end-user, my point is that I don't care if Flash is 'bad', I want it to be running when I buy an Apple product ! Flash has been in internet for a while and a world without Flash is hard to imagine. I wouldn't want myself to be constrained from viewing certain website content just because my device doesn't play it.

Even if we assume that Flash has poor performance and is vulnerable, we still need to give the Web world enough time to move to a new standard or technology. Stopping support for a technology just because one has the power to do so is not ethical.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Amrit!
    Its more political than it appears.
    The iphones have already jammed up the Cell phone provider's networks here.Now the Ipads are in. Nobody was ready to offer the service except AT&T even when iphone was also released. Its a blame game . Techies understand the problems with Apple's devices. Apple is trying to fingerpoint on something to take off the blame on itself. It can't point to its service provider's. Adobe became a scapegoat. Flash is definitely resource intensive but its not something new.
