Thursday, March 26, 2020

Technology to aid of Covid spread

Came across interesting uses of technology around Covid spread, surveillance, violations -

1 Using Location tracking via smartphones for Covid surveillance
This one talks about how Taiwan is ensuring people who have been exposed to the virus stay in their homes. The system monitors phone signals to alert police and local officials if those in-home quarantines move away from their address or turn off their phones. Officials also call twice a day to ensure people don’t avoid tracking by leaving their phones at home.

April 1 news mentioned that the system was tracking more than 55,000 people. The system has been very accurate with only about 1% of alerts being false alarms mostly because of inaccurate location readings.

2. Identifying lockdown violations (post-facto analysis)
The second one here is a report that was published to demonstrate how public data and visual AI can be used to identify lockdown violations. Taking actual images and videos from public Instagram profiles of 552,000  Italians between March 11-20, 2020, and applying image recognition technology, they were able to predict what percentage of people were not following quarantine, which city/region they belong to at an aggregate level and exactly where they were spending time (viz. parks, markets, malls). Obviously, the entire data was anonymized in the interest of privacy.

3. Using cough analysis to determine if one is Covid affected 
This link talks about using AI and Deep learning to determine if a person has Covid by analyzing the sound of the cough, the way they breathe or the way they speak. It's based on the fact that the cough of a Covid patient is distinct from a healthy person. I also stumbled upon this site which is collecting data around cough sounds to crowdsource and create such a technology. This initiative is supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is in collaboration with Stanford University.

4. Using real-time mobile location data to detect violation of social distancing
Unacast is a company that collects and provides cellphone location data. It has aggregated all this to come up with a Social Distancing Scorecard.  This scorecard is based on analysis of information such as two devices being at same place at same time (thus violating social distance), visit to non-essential places (other than grocery), and other parameters. Unacast collects data from various apps installed on phone which track location.

5. Mapping movement of coronavirus carriers
The South Korean government is publishing the movements of people before they were diagnosed with the virus — retracing their steps using tools such as GPS phone tracking, credit card records, surveillance video and old-fashioned personal interviews with patients. The idea is to let the public know, via a central website and regional text messages, if they may have crossed paths with carriers, whose names are not made public. Here is the link to site-

Will keep adding more as I discover. 

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