Thursday, June 12, 2014

Measuring sports sponsorship (McK article)

With Football WorldCup rounds the corner, there is a nice article from McKinsey on how to measure Sports Sponsorship. Here are salient points -
  • Articulate a clear sponsorship strategy—the overall objective of their portfolio, the target demographic, and which stages of the consumer decision journey (awareness, consideration, purchase, loyalty) sponsorships can support
  • Find Cost per reach and optimize according to that. Favor exposure to the target demographic over total numbers.
  • Increase Unaided awareness per reach - Besides acquiring sponsorship rights,its important to spend on activation—that is, marketing activities such as promotional booths and merchandise to promote the sponsorship.
  • Measure Sales/margin per dollar spent - Track data on spending and reach (among a host of other media variables) over an extended period to establish links between sponsorships and sales, and then isolate the impact of sponsorships from other marketing and sales activities. 
  • All sponsorship activities should enforce consistent brand image so that Long-term brand attributes are enhanced

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