Friday, September 3, 2010

'Extreme Offshoring': Guess whats this?

I don't know why some brands have a penchant for creating new words ! One such new word added to dictionary is "Extreme offshoring" used by Infy in its latest press release Infosys plans 'extreme offshore' model to tide over visa crisis.

Well, after going through the news article and subsequent googling, I figured out its nothing more than simple off-shoring, that is, moving jobs to offshore locations.

Well, probably I should put this word in my sales presentations :-)

Digital fasting - required?

'Digital  fasting' is a recent term which refers to withdrawal from all online identities, like the ones on facebook, orkut, blogs and twitter. Contemplating digital fasting: How much Internet is too much? talks about this recent trend in detail.

Knowingly or unknowingly, all of us are addicted to internet and our online presence. Personally, I don't see a problem in this. All web 2.0 tools are a good way to keep connected not only more frequently but also cheap (compare the price of a SMS to an international friend vs the cost of dropping him an elaborate e-mail). Blogs like this one are an important part of a virtual identity and a way to connect with unknown.

I guess the whole problem is one of 'excess'. People start their day with Facebook and twitter with updates as unimportant as "I hv got up" to "hate going to loo" with a friend list that responds to such tweets or updates ! Obviously, the time saved from such 'excesses' can be better utilized in making a face to face connection and face to face discussions.